All NDIS funded products and services are listed as registration groups. There are a total of 36 Registration Groups to select from. You will need to go through each of the Registration Groups to clarify what they are and decide which of these groups you wish to include as your service offering. You can see a description of each Registration Group and what the specific requirements are to meet the qualification and experience requirements here Provider Registration Guide to Suitability. You will then need to understand of the Groups you have selected, which are deemed as Low Risk (less complex service delivery) or High Risk (more complex service delivery). Here's a link to view a table where each Registration Group fits See the description below of the implications of Low or High Risk Registration Groups (also known as Supports).
If you choose all Low Risk registration groups, you will undergo a Verification Audit. This will mean an easier, cheaper and less complicated Audit. There are 24 low risk registration groups to select from. The Low Risk registration groups are:
Accommodation/Tenancy Assistance
Assistive Products for Personal Care and Safety
Personal Mobility Equipment
Assistance with Travel/Transport Arrangements
Vehicle Modifications
Home Modification Design and Construction
Assistive Equipment for Recreation
Vision Equipment
Community Nursing Care
Innovative Community Participation
Specialised Hearing Services
Household Tasks
Interpreting and Translation
Hearing Equipment
Assistive Products in Household Tasks
Communication and Information Equipment
Management of Funding for Supports — Plan Management
Therapeutic Supports
Specialised Driver Training
Assistance Animals
Hearing Services
Custom Prostheses and Orthoses
Exercise Physiology and Personal Well-being Activities
If you choose any of the High Risk registration groups, you will undergo a Certification Audit. There are 8 higher risk groups and 5 specialist or higher risk modules. This is more costly and complex.
Assistance to Access and Maintain Employment or Higher Education [Assist Access/Maintain Employ]
High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
Assistance in Coordinating or Managing Life Stages, Transitions and Supports [Life Stage, Transition]
Daily Personal Activities
Specialist Positive Behaviour Support
Assistance with Daily Life Tasks in a Group or Shared Living Arrangement [Daily Tasks/Shared Living]
Development of Daily Living and Life Skills [Development-Life Skills]
Early Intervention Supports for Early Childhood
Participation in Community, Social, and Civil Activities [Participate Community]
Specialist Disability Accomodation [Specialist Accom]
Support Coordination
Specialised Supported Employment
Group and Centre-Based Activities [Group/Centre Activities]
Another way to determine which Registration Groups are Low or High Risk is to complete your online NDIS Application and the email confirmation you receive back will let you know.
If you would like assistance to select your Registration Groups, to ensure you meet the qualification requirements and understand more about Low and High Risk, and what the implications are for you and your business, please reach out to book a Free Assessment Call here.