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Step 3 - Align Your Service To The NDIS

Updated: Oct 8, 2021

Getting started in the NDIS (and NDIS Registration) can be daunting if you are not sure where your service fits, how your services are priced, and what exactly the services are called in the NDIS. I'll show you below how to interpret what you offer in the NDIS using some documentation from the NDIS and using Google to search.

Firstly, write down all the services you are wanting to provide (or already offering) in the NDIS. To be able to deliver these services as a Registered Provider, you will need to check that you have all the required skills, qualifications/accreditations as deemed necessary by the NDIS. You can confirm this by going through the NDIS Provider Registraion Guide to Suitability. The document lays out each of the Registration Groups (which are ways the NDIS names service types) and the required level of skills or professional accreditation/registration. From this, you can now create a list of each Registration Group you wish to include in your NDIS Registration and service offering.

Which Registration Groups are relevant to Support Coordination, Plan Management and Allied Health?

Support Coordination - there are three levels of Support Coordination and they marry up to different Registration Groups:

  • Support Coordination - Level 1 and Level 2 - (offers Support Connection and Coordination of Supports)

    • Registration Group 0106 - Assistance in coordinating or managing lieft stages, transition and supports)

  • Support Coordination - Level 3 - (for specialised Support Coordination)

    • Registration Group 0132 - Support Coordination

Plan Management

  • Plan Management - Management of Funding for Supports

    • Registration Group 0127

Allied Health

  • Therapeutic Supports - includes 14 Allied Health Categories

    • Registration Group 0128

What if you can't find your product or service in the NDIS funding information?

You may not always find the exact product or service name you wish to provide in the NDIS documentation. The reason for this is that the language of the NDIS can be difficult to interpret as they can't give every option. There are just 36 registration groups to cover all services funded by the NDIS. Therefore, you may need to research further to understand what each Registration Group is, what it can include and how it can be interpreted.

Here are some ways to better link what your offer to the NDIS:

  1. Review the NDIS Price Guide and read the outline of the funding categories and what their intended purpose is and then read each relevant category - look for the outcomes that your service delivers and match with the purpose of the funding.

  2. Look at how other service providers describe services similar to yours. Do a key word search on Google for your product or service + NDIS. You will then find other providers websites and social media listing these. You can then see how they have described the products and services in line with the NDIS component of their service offering. Check out this example where the provider has given both their descriptions of services plus how the NDIS pricing relates.

3. You will need to assess each service type in the NDIS Price Guide and map it back to an NDIS Registration Group so you are sure that you have the correct service. From this you can then begin to create the documentation you'll need for NDIS Registration.

If you'd like help with aligning your services to the NDIS, please contact us as for assistance. You can book in for a free Assessment Call or complete an enquiry form at the Contact Us section of the website. This is often one of the initial steps required to get a handle on how you are going to offer NDIS funded services in the NDIS.

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